"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

May 03, 2024

Job vs Solopreneur vs Ideas vs Intuition vs Learning

In the corporate world, navigating the hierarchy of influence often poses a challenge, particularly when it comes to balancing the time required to sell personal ideas against completing assigned tasks. Jobs typically compensate us for specific deliverables, not for the incubation or pitching of our innovative ideas.

The process of advancing personal ideas depends heavily on the organizational culture. When there is genuine acceptance and support for innovation, pushing personal concepts becomes not only feasible but also encouraged. However, more often than not, we encounter environments where ideas are welcomed in discussions, but follow-up and implementation fade away, lost to immediate business priorities.

In such scenarios, one may feel compelled to take on a solopreneurial approach. This involves stepping away from the structured organizational roles and exploring the uncertain waters of individual innovation. By adopting the role of a solopreneur, we give ourselves the opportunity to fully develop and test our ideas without the restrictions and influences of corporate agendas.

Living through this uncertainty requires resilience. It isn't merely about having a groundbreaking idea; it's also about having the tenacity to bring that idea to MVP amid fluctuating circumstances. As solopreneurs, we maneuver through diverse challenges, test our limits, and learn invaluable lessons about both our crafts and ourselves.

The Journey is the Experience and the wealth is the Learning 

Keep Exploring!!!

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