"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

April 30, 2024

Supply Chain Expertise and GenAI Insights

I have worked for Microsoft Xbox supply chain and UPS. Now If I have to add a GenAI lens to my past. Here are my perspectives.

At Microsoft's Xbox division, I managed both forward and reverse supply chain logistics, covering repairs, refurbishment, and warranty services. By integrating GenAI, we can significantly enhance product defect detection, implement targeted product improvements, and streamline supplier communications, elevating overall efficiency and product quality.

At UPS, I collaborated with the team to develop and pitch AI/ML strategies for third-party logistics, focusing on operational efficiencies, visibility, planning, forecasting, and optimization. With the infusion of GenAI, the potential applications could extend to sophisticated chatbots and digital assistants, further refining company policies, fostering broader AI adoption, and enhancing supplier communications.

I am committed to pushing the boundaries of supply chain management with innovative GenAI-driven solutions and look forward to collaborating with startups/product companies in this space. If you are an SMB, have historical data, looking to onboard in AI, Let's connect sivaram[at]phygitalytics.com. 

Keep Learning!!!


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