"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

December 15, 2013

Weekend Reading Notes

Note #1 - SQL Server Database Engine Performance Tuning Basics - Must read for every TSQL Developer
Key Learning's
  • Perf counter values analysis
  • Temp Db configuration
  • Enable Lock pages in memory
  • Interpreting Avg. Disk Sec/Read values

Key Query  - SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')

Note #3 - One more NOSQL DB that supports ACID transactions - FoundationDB

Key Learning's
  • Memory optimized Tables(MOT) reside in memory not in disks
  • Steps to estimate memory for MOT
  • Garbage collection of older version of records (similar to snapshot / read committed isolation levels)

Happy Learning!!!

December 12, 2013

DataScience Basics - Part I

Welcome to series of posts to learn Data Science basics. This video is a good starting material to get started


Key Learnings
  • Data Science term defined by Peter Naur
  • How Role of Statistician differs from Data Scientist
  • BI Tools vs Data Science perspectives
More Reads
Happy Reading!!!

December 11, 2013

Getting Started with Python Visualization

This post is about getting started with visualization using python. This took less than an hour to see visual data representation

Below are the steps involved for our first example

Step 1 - Install Enthought Python Distribution (EPD) from link. Download was around 230MB, This took a couple of minutes

Step 2 - This post was pretty useful on installation on Windows

Step 3 - Post Installation below setting was done

Step 4 - The first example is from python book page 37

Step 5 - Create a new file, type the code, Save and Run it

Step 6 - Below is the output 

December 05, 2013

Create Dummy Files to consume diskspace - fsutil command

This post is about creating dummy files to consume disk space and mimic scenarios with reduced disk space. On windows server 2008 fsutil command was useful to create files to consume disk space

Example Usage

C:\Users\Administrator>fsutil file createnew c:\dummydata5.bat 1240171806

File c:\dummydata5.bat is created

Happy Learning!!!