"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

January 13, 2021

Which App to Pick Whatsapp, Telegram ?

Threema (No Email, No Contacts, No Phone number) - Privacy at Rs.270/-. Better than telegram, WhatsApp, Signal.

Simplified Linkedin - Link

Newcomer social network - Link

With every app trying to get access to contacts, location, SMS. It has become even more hazardous and addictive to be lost. More than the merits the impact, personalization, unrestricted adult content are more threatening to mental health. We don't know how we spend time but time is spent with more time-consuming apps with zero productivity.

Keep Thinking!!!

Live a better offline Life!!!

January 10, 2021

Tracking @ 2021 - Paper Reads - Object Tracking

Paper - Object Detection and Tracking Algorithms for Vehicle Counting: A Comparative Analysis

Key Notes

  • Models used - CenterNet and Deep SORT, Detectron2 and Deep
  • SORT, and YOLOv4 and Deep SORT
  • YOLO and SORT algorithms
  • Counting Techniques
  • Counting by frame differencing
  • Counting by detection
  • Motion based counting
  • Deep learning based counting



  • CenterNet functions on the intuition that if a detected bounding box has a higher Intersection over Union (IoU) with the ground-truth box
  • CenterNet is a singlestage detector 


Detectron2 supports implementation to multiple object detection algorithms using different backbone network architectures such as ResNET {50, 101, 152}, FPN, VGG16


You Only Look Once (YOLO) is the state-of-the-art object detection algorithm. New techniques adopted in YOLOv4 are: (i) WeightedResidual-Connections, (ii) Cross-Stage-Partial-Connections, (iii) Cross mini-batch, (iv) Normalization (CmBN), (v) Selfadversial-training, (vi) Mish-activation


Follows single-stage detectors pattern


Simple Online and Realtime Tracking (SORT) is an implementation of tracking-by-detection framework where the main objective is to detect objects each frame and associate them for online and real-time tracking application


A combination of Kalman Filter and Hungarian algorithm is used for tracking

Paper - Tracking Objects as Points

Key Notes

  • We track objects by tracking their centers. We learn a 2D offset between two adjacent frames and associate them based on center distance.
  • A simple displacement prediction, akin to sparse optical flow, allows objects in different frames to be linked
  • Joint detection and tracking
  • Early approaches [2, 47] used Kalman filters to model object velocities

Paper - SMOT: Single-Shot Multi Object Tracking

Key Notes

  • The first stage exercises a per-frame object detector to localize object bounding boxes in each frame
  • The second stage, tracklet generation, merges detection results to create a set of tracklets, i.e., short tracks, based on short-term cues

More Read

FairMOT: On the Fairness of Detection and Re-Identification in Multiple Object Tracking

Object Detection and Tracking in 2020

Paper - ByteTrack: Multi-Object Tracking

Key Notes

In this paper, we identify that the similarity with tracklets provides a strong cue to distinguish the objects and background in low score detection boxes

Data association is the core of multi-object tracking, which first computes the similarity between tracklets and detection boxes and then matches them according to the similarity.

Location and motion similarity are accurate in the short-range matching.



Happy Learning!!!