"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

June 01, 2010

Learnings from Testing

Posted below are couple of interesting reads on Testing
Pairwise Testing - Jacek MSFT maintains this site. Objective is to generate optimal test cases, attain uniform test coverage, Identify single mode and double mode defects with identified combinations

Orthogonal Defect Classification - Here emphasis is more on granular details for defect injection phase identification. Example a code defect is a bug logged if the program does not produce expected result for positive test case. This defect could have been injected at coding, code review changes, unit testing, bug fix for unit testing, Integration testing or system testing phase code fixes during development. Identifying and nailing down on exact phase helps to identify the gaps in development and find areas for improvement.

Road map of testing. I like the experience notes section and quote - "The sooner a bug is found and fixed, the cheaper". Web-Site specific testing section is good provides lot of information.

'Monkey Testing' is one terminology that caught my attention. I found the definition of it from stpmag.com sep 05 issue. Monkey testing involves a program that points, clicks or types random things at random places on the screen.Advanced monkey testing moves into model based testing ,where you describe the various states software should travel through and run test to take random paths.

What is Exploratory Testing ?
From Wikpedia  "Simultaneous Learning, Test Design and Test Execution". Quality of Testing is dependant on Tester's skill.
Above all, Be it a Tester or Developer. When you Code for a critical feature or signoff for a Release, When it meets the business needs after go-live it gives you tremendous satisfaction, pride, encouragement to do better

Development Best Practices
  • Peer Reviews. Get your code reviewed by SME (Subject Matter Expert - Technical/Functional)
  • Design for Performance & Scalability
  • Encourage Acquiring Strong Domain Knowledge
  • Involve Support & Test during early stages of Design
  • Unit Testing and verify critical functionality works as expected
Testing Best Practices
  • Conduct Test Scenario Review before Code Drop. This ensures DEV Team can identify missed Unit Test cases/Integration Test Cases
  • Use Pair-wise testing, Orthogonal Defect Classification for Optimal Test cases, Detailed Analysis of Bugs
  • Test Supportability aspects of the application (Logging, Exception Handling Scenarios)
  • Test Automation with ROI focus
  • Work Closely with business for Test Scenarios Review, Feedback of Test Cases/Test Scenarios
Quality Assurance Vs Quality Control
QA - Process oriented, Pro-active, Identify Metrics for Test Execution, Bugs
QC - Testing is a QC Activity, Re-active, Testing, Triage and Logging Bugs

Good Read on Test Metrics

Happy Reading!!!

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