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August 13, 2011

FlexMonkey - Flex Test Automation

Learning's for this post started with question in stackoverflow. Initially I had few challenges to figure out tools. Later I found lot of very good material for flex automation. Kindly check the bookmarks section
Many thanks to my colleague Sampath for helping me setup / build project in Flash builder.
Step 1. Install Flex Monkey 5.0
Step 2. Install Adobe Flash Builder latest version. This is around 500MB (Installer).
Step 3. Download Flex Sample Project  provided in Flexmonkey download page. Unzip the project folder
Step 4. Open FlashBuilder and Create Sample Project
Step 5. Import the downloaded MonkeyContacts Project
Step 6 - Run the Project as Web Application
Step 7 - Launch FlexMonkey Application. Provide Project properties
Step 8 - You would see status connected in Flexmonkey once the application is launched. Interesting thing I observed in Flex Automation is you need to compile the application with the automation library. If you check the project under libraries you would see automation_monkey4.x swc. This file when compiled with the project provides the ability to detect the objects in flex app. When you develop Flex App you need to compile it with library applicable for version of flex.
Step 9 - Click on Start Recording option in flex monkey as per below snapshot. After you record the steps Click on Red button shown below to Stop Recording
Step 10 - I did a sample record insert, delete of the application. You would see recorded steps as listed below
Step 11 - Playback the step once to replay check the test case.
Step 12 - After replaying test case once Drag all the Steps as listed below to create test case out of it
Step 13 - You will see a new test case created based on steps recorded
Step 14 - Playback the created test by click on the play button
So, We are successfully able to setup, create automated test case for flex apps. Below video was very handy for me to be clear on steps while writing this post.
Author has bookmarked series of posts to create Data Driven Test Cases, Setting up Continious Integration for running test suites.
These posts would be helpful to learn further on Flex Test Automation
It took me couple of weeks to do this proof of concept.
Happy Learning!!!

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