"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

December 06, 2020

Fashion Paper Reads - Part II

Paper #1 - Detailed Garment Recovery from a Single-View Image

Key Notes

  • Global shape and geometry of the clothing
  • Extract occluded wrinkles and folds
  • Parameter estimation, semantic parsing, shape recovery, and physics-based cloth simulation

The current implementation of our approach depends on two

  • databases: a database of commonly available garment templates
  • database of human-body models.

Implementation Notes

  • 14 joint positions on the image and provides a rough sketch outlining the human body silhouette
  • Semantic parse of the garments in the image to identify and localize depicted clothing items

Human body - We follow the PCA encoding of the human body shape presented in [Hasler et al. 2009]. The semantic parameters include gender, height, weight, muscle percentage, breast girth, waist girth, hip girth, thigh girth, calf girth, shoulder height, and leg length

Garment Parsing

  • we extract the clothing regions Ωb,h,g by performing a two-stage image segmentation guided by user sketch
  • Initial garment registration results. We fit garments to human bodies with different body shapes and poses.

Implementation - We have implemented our algorithm in C++ and demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach throughout the paper

Paper #2 - M2E-Try On Net: Fashion from Model to Everyone

  • Pose alignment network (PAN) - pose alignment network (PAN) to align the model and clothes pose to the target pose
  • Texture refinement network (TRN) - enrich the textures and logo patterns to the desired clothes
  • Fitting network (FTN) - merge the transferred garments to the target person images.
  • Unsupervised learning and self supervised learning to accomplish this task.
  • Generative adversarial network (GAN) [9] has been used for image-based generation
  • GAN has been used for person image generation [18] to generate the human image from pose representation
  • For fashion image generation, a more intuitive way is to generate images from a person image and the desired clothes image

Dataset - Deep Fashion [17] Women Tops dataset, MVC [16] Women Tops dataset and MVC [16]


  • PAN as a conditional generative module
  • To train PAN, ideally we need to have a training triplet with paired images: model image M, person image P, and pose aligned model image
  • self-supervised training method that uses images of the same person in two different poses to supervise Pose Alignment Network (PAN)

Texture Refinement Network (TRN)

  • Combine the information from network generated images and texture preserved images produced by geometric transformation
  • Loss - Reconstruction loss, perceptual loss and style loss are used only for paired training

Paper #3 - VITON-GAN: Virtual Try-on Image Generator

Trained with Adversarial Loss

Code - Link

Paper #4 - GarmentGAN: Photo-realistic Adversarial Fashion Transfer

This method divides the image generation task into two sub-tasks: segmentation map synthesis and transference of the clothing characteristics onto the previously generated map

The system comprises two separate GANs: a shape transfer network and an appearance transfer network

More Reads

Keep Thinking!!!

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