"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

February 13, 2021

Some New Perspectives

Sometimes few conversations strike you deeply. Assume I may live another 34 years, The number of days left is 12,410 days. I have already passed 14K days already. When I look in terms of days it seems halfway already gone. This was while attending one of the sessions I felt this thought. Another thought on routine vs rituals link. What we do with a sense of belonging vs doing for the sake of it. When we are able to connect see the big picture we know the impact of work and our involvement. I was thinking on the same lines. Not every moment we live, some moments we may live without being connected to the moment. We may just pass the days without actually living the day, moment. 

A bit more on learning, refocus, and finding my real interests in the coming days. This life is too short to plan for long.

  • First 10 years - 3650 days - Going to school, learning to cycle, hardly remember anything now
  • Second 10 years - 3650 days - Curiosity of school, tuitions, 10th, 12th, and getting into college
  • Third 10 years - 3650 days - Fresher to evolve yourself, learn in breadth or depth or domain, It keeps going, going. Spending late long nights at work.
  • Current 10 years - 3650 days - Doing masters mid 30. Figuring out next-level learning, Teaching, Travel, Consulting. Still loads to learn
When we summarize it looks like not every moment or everything is captured. Some small happy moments don't strike this moment. What we leave when we are not around is a big question. Hopefully, we can inspire others to be more positive, kind, help each other. Often it's a constant struggle to feel oneself deeply and connect everything both emotionally and rationally. Stay kind, Stay curious, Keep Going. What you like will become a ritual and part of your thoughts. What you don't like will always be a routine. It again depends on how much we can convince and be clear on the end goal, the big picture. Often, everyone does not see the same perspective/vision / the journey.

Coming out of perspectives. Next few books/topics to learn
  • Designing Data-Intensive Apps
  • Agile Conversations
  • Building Evolutionary Architectures
  • Drool Engine Architecture
Learn more, live a more ritual life and less of routine life :)

Happy Learning!!!

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