"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

November 25, 2022

AI Usecases - Oil and Gas

The predictive model is trained to identify parts that are likely to fail so that

  • Plan for preventive maintenance
  • Avoid well downtime
  • Make sure replacement parts are available else order them in advance
  • Identify failure trends
  • Geo-locate failed wells

Keep Exploring!!!

AI Usecases - Telecom

  • Gender based churn
  • Senior Citizen Distribution
  • Partner Distribution
  • Dependent Distribution
  • Phone Service Distribution
  • Multiple Lines Distribution in Customer Attrition
  • Internet Service Distribution in Customer Attrition

AI Telecom Usecases.

Keep Exploring!!!

November 21, 2022

Work, Execution, Mentoring = Culture

What means business?

  • Ideas that generate $$
  • Code that works
  • Scale / Integrated solutions
  • Balance Solutions / Code / Demos
  • Add product roadmap into Plan

Being a Lead, You work with multiple types of leaders

  • We observe numerous execution methods
  • What works for you incorporate it
  • Your execution has to be authentic
  • You cannot follow a style that does not make you feel authentic
  • Be candid, open, and manage yourself than being managed

Fast communicators make fast decisions.
Fast decisions = competitive advantage.
Don’t schedule large meetings unless you’re certain they provide value to everyone.
Don’t sound smart. Be efficient.
Don’t interrupt your team’s workflow if it’s unnecessary.
Don’t follow rules. Follow principles.

Keep Exploring!!

November 18, 2022

Education 2.0 Key questions / needs

  • Learning by doing, without the fear/penalty of making mistakes, and then learning from their mistakes
  • Group work is missing in Indian schools, Build together, Work together
  • Development of skills such as collaboration, communication, empathy & leadership!
  • Physical and mental health are given very little weight in schools
  • How to handle failure, how to recognize depression
  • How to avoid distraction
  • How to remain focused on long term goals
  • How to build a strategy of discipline
  • The weak student label must vanish. Everyone is good at something.
  • The concept of homework must be driven by reward and not punishment
  • Story Telling of Concepts
  • Presentation of working applied knowlege 
  • Relate to real world problems
  • Create more government schools / provide digital content engagement
  • Create more 3D / AR / AR collaborative learning
  • Continuous Learning = Who will teach the teachers?"....even better, "Who will teach parents?"..
  • Getting better at anything takes 10000 hours of efforts, understand and specialize and spend time. Do not just pass, Be good to your core.

Keep Exploring!!!

November 12, 2022

AWS Lambda to Azure functions - Learning Notes

Ref1 - Link

  • Deploy your code to Azure Functions as a custom Docker container
  • Requirements - Storage account, resource group

Ref2 - Link, Link2

Ref - Architecture

  • Custom Vision Models
  • Face API
  • Content Moderation
  • Emotions / Gender

Keep Exploring!!!

November 05, 2022

Vector - Matrix - Tensors

Ref - Link

Array is analogous to Tensors

Keep Exploring!!!

November 03, 2022

Team / Expectations / 1-1 Discussions

As a Leader

  • Vision / Impact / Opportunities
  • Build a clear vision of the impact of work
  • Clearly communicate expectations
  • Avoid giving all the answers, You should be asking the questions

Expectation Settings

  • Work quality - Bugs / Performance
  • Ability to meet goals or deadlines - Timelines vs Quality
  • Time management - Delays 
  • Absenteeism or lateness - Do not be a blocker to others

Team Culture

  • Creating a space for teams to experiment, make mistakes, learn, and grow
  • A clearer understanding of your employees’ strengths and areas of opportunity


Link1 , Link2 , Link3 

Keep Thinking!!!