"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

June 16, 2024

Data Privacy vs Cheap value vs Compromises

How your data is bought at Low costs and leveraged to build ML Models !!!

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June 13, 2024

LLMs - Production vs Prototype

 #LLM is #Cool! #PromptEngineering is great. Demonstrating a prototype is beneficial, but for a production application, preparing data and consistently getting Top K results are essential. The ability to handle diverse queries, manage large datasets vs. remembering minimal key data are significant trade-offs and design choices that come with domain knowledge. Building a working solution is easy, but achieving predictable, low-latency, and consistent behavior requires constant iteration and evolution. #Perspectives and #AppliedLearning are key. #AI #MachineLearning #DataScience #Prototypes #ProductionReady #DataPrep #Latency #Consistency #Iteration #

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June 12, 2024

Why big companies failed to build LLMs


  • Data was poorly annotated. Documentation was either nonexistent or stale.
  • Experiments had to be run in resource-limited compute environments. 
  • That meant for months our internal annotation team had been mislabeling thousands of data points every single day
  • antagonistic mid-managers that had little interest in collaborating for the greater good
  • Duplicated efforts due to no shared common ground 
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LLM Perspectives - Familiarity vs Randomness


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