"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

September 02, 2024

Navigating the Tradeoff Between Income and Responsibilities in Freelance AI Consulting and Corporate Jobs

  • My friend - Hey Siva, you seem busy. 
  • Myself - Yes, I have some classes and consulting. 
  • My friend - So, you're earning more money? 
  • Myself - Not necessarily. Some leads work out, some don't. Sometimes, even after presenting the architecture, there is no convergence. 
  • My friend - That's common. 
  • Myself - The same uncertainties exist in a corporate job, where ideas may not align. However, you get to work closely with founders. 
  • My friend - That's true. 
  • Myself - Even if your idea fails in consulting, you have a direct connection to lead, discover, and strategize. 
  • Myself - In Freelance AI consulting, the outcome is clear - it either works or it fails, and I deal with it directly. No regrets :)

Freedom entails risks, but it's worth it. You pave your own path.

Sure, feel free to ping me if you are interested in harnessing the power of AI.

Keep Exploring!!!

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