Key Summary
- The procedure repeatedly adjusts the weights of the connections in the network so as to minimize a measure of the difference between actual output and desired output
- Ability to create new distinguishing features
- The aim is to find the set of weights that ensure that for each input vector the output vector produced by the network is same as the desired output vector
- The drawback in learning procedure is that the error surface may contain local minima so that gradient descent is not guaranteed to find a global minimum
Key Summary
Deep Learning
- Machine Learning systems are used to identify objects in images, transcribe speech into text, match new items, posts or products with user interests and relevant results of search
- Multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstraction
- Recurrent Networks for sequential data such as text and speech
- Deep Learning methods are representation learning methods with multiple levels of representation obtained by composing non-linear models that transform representation at abstract level
- The layers are learned from data by general purpose learning procedure
- The conventional option is hand design good feature extractors which require a considerable amount of engineering skill and domain expertise. Key advantage of deep learning is learn automatically using general purpose learning procedure
- A deep learning architecture is a multistack layer of simple modules, all of which may compute simple non-linear input-output mappings
- The backpropagation procedure to compute the gradient of an objective function with respect to the weights of a multi-layer stack of module is nothing more than a practical application of chain rule of derivatives
- Composed of Convolutional layers and pooling layers
- Units in convolutional layer organized into feature maps
- Filtering operation performed by feature map is a discrete convolution
- Pooling computes maximum of local patches
- Two or three stages of convolution, non-linearity and pooling are stacked up, followed by more convolutional and fully connected layer
- RNN process an input sequence one element at a time, maintaining their hidden units as state vector (history of past sequences)
- Good at predicting next word in a sequence
Key Summary
- Randomly drop units from neural network during training
- Dropping out units hidden and visible in a neural network
- Temporarily remove from network along with incoming and outgoing connections
Key Summary
- Long Short Term Memory - RNN Architecture
- RNN are deep in time, Since their hidden state is a function of all previous hiddem states
- Make use of previous context
- Deep birectional LSTM RNNs for speech recognition
LSTM Components
- Input gate
- Forget gate
- Output Gate
- Cell Activation Vectors
Bidirectional RNN has
- Forward Hidden Sequence
- Backward Hidden Sequence
CTC - Connnectionist Temporal Classification
- Uses Softmax layer to define a seperate output distribution
- CTC uses forward - backward algorithm to sum over all the possible alignments and determine the normalised probability
- RNN trained with CTC are bi-directional
Brain creates internal representations to learn without any explicit instructions
- ANN are modern neurons
- Behavior of ANN depends on weights, activation functions
- Backpropagation algorithm to train the neural network
Backpropagation Challenges
- Requires labeled training data
- Forward Pass - Signal = Activity = y
- Backward Pass - Signal = dE/dy
Paper #6 - How Learning Can Guide Evolution
- Learning alters the shape of search space and provides good evolutionary path
- Learning organisms evolve much faster
Key Summary
- Interaction between learning and evolution was proposed by Baldwin
- Learning alters search space in which evolution operates
Paper #7 - Evolution Strategies
- Inspired by Theory of natural evolution
- Motivated by Darwinian Theory
Unimodal vs Multimodal
- A landscape is unimodal if it has single minimum
- Multimodal if it has several minima with equal function values
More Papers - Link
Happy Learning!!!!
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