"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

May 17, 2019

Day #250 - Context and Preferences aware recommendations

Its is very important to have a feedback loop to provide better recommendations
Basic Recommendation
  1. Buy Product A
  2. Usual ML recommendation is bought together A,B,C. Sold together A,C
This is great everyone will do it. If I dislike the product A, How do we know
Feedback based Recommendation
  1. Buy Product A
  2. Read Custom Low Rating for A
  3. Look for people who don't like A what they bought
  4. Recommend those instead of A
Returns based Recommendation
  1. Customer Buys Product A
  2. Custom returns Product A
  3. Look for people who don't like A what they bought
  4. Recommend those instead of A
Season based Recommendation
Considering customer preferences for each season, brands picked up for each season, Consider them into recommendations

Brand based Recommendations
Customer affinity for a certain brand because of size, variety etc

Happy Building Your Data Story!!!

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