"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

July 02, 2021

Learning vs Knowing vs Experimenting Vs Measure of Skills

A project work X needs 10 different things

  • 4 Things you worked in multiple projects, You know how it works
  • 3 things you did a hello world and you know basics
  • 3 things you read up stack overflow and fill the gaps

The goal is to get a working implementation of the idea. You know few things but didn't deep dive. You implemented few things and did a deep dive as you worked on it in multiple projects. 

We may not master all 10 or remember all 10, We cannot wait to master all 10 to build our idea. The measure of knowledge is the ability to experiment, build, it's not just familiarity with all 10 tools or technology. Time to change the perspective we look at skills.

Keep Thinking!!!

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