"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

July 26, 2024

Learning is Non-Linear

Some days are Sigmoid. Some days are Relu. Novelty is not inventing new stuff but stitching the right techniques in the right proportion.

A few more I relate to my work style :)

  • Persist until you figure things out, digging deeper and deeper into unfamiliar systems until it finally clicks, and you understand how they work.
  • Have a broad understanding and creative use of Algos, SQL, LLMs, etc. Teach until you get first principles right
  • Have the intellectual curiosity to learn about the many new areas you’ll be taken into. Failures today are arsenal for tomorrow.
  • Have a willingness to lean into uncertainty. It's okay if a bad day happens.
  • Magnitude improvements and novel capabilities. Keep collecting perspectives.
  • You will face unique engineering and AI challenges that will make a meaningful impact. To be authentic, you have to have a lot of scars.
  • A focus on outcomes, not time-tracking. Yeah, sometimes easy looks complex, complex looks easy.
  • The database is always important. Are not afraid of legacy justice systems and would rather make them work than give up.

Keep Going!!!

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