"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

October 12, 2024

Ethical AI vs. Agentic Autonomous AI: Navigating the Complexities of Modern AI Systems

  • Human Oversight vs. AI Independence: Ethical AI frameworks typically advocate for human-in-the-loop systems, ensuring human oversight. Agentic Autonomous AI aims to minimize human intervention, raising questions about responsibility and control.
  • Short-term Gains vs. Long-term Consequences: The push for rapid AI advancement (often seen in Agentic Autonomous AI) may overlook long-term ethical implications. Ethical AI approaches tend to prioritize careful consideration of potential future impacts.
  • The Reasoning Conundrum: While Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate language understanding and generation capabilities, they still lack true reasoning abilities. This limitation is crucial when considering the ethical implications of deploying AI systems in decision-making roles.
  • Ethical Constraints vs. Autonomous Agency: The core tension between Ethical AI and Agentic Autonomous AI lies in balancing moral safeguards with the desire for increasingly independent AI systems. Ethical AI prioritizes human values and safety, while Agentic Autonomous AI pushes for greater AI self-direction.
  • Transparency Trade-offs: Ethical AI often demands explainability and interpretability, potentially limiting model complexity. Conversely, highly autonomous AI systems may sacrifice transparency for increased capabilities, raising ethical concerns about accountability and trust.
  • Data Ethics in AI Development: Ethical AI emphasizes the importance of unbiased, representative datasets. Agentic Autonomous AI, however, may prioritize data quantity over quality to enhance its learning capabilities, potentially perpetuating or amplifying societal biases.
  • Continuous Learning and Ethical Drift: Agentic Autonomous AI systems that engage in continuous learning pose risks of ethical drift over time. Ethical AI frameworks must grapple with how to maintain moral constraints in evolving systems.
  • Global Ethics vs. Local Autonomy: As AI systems become more autonomous, they may encounter scenarios where global ethical standards conflict with optimal local decisions. This tension between universal ethics and situational autonomy remains a critical challenge.
  • Responsible AI Adoption in Practice: Implementing either Ethical AI or Agentic Autonomous AI requires a deep understanding of models, data, and their limitations. Superficial adoptions of either approach can lead to irresponsible and potentially harmful AI deployments.
  • The Role of Human Values: Ethical AI explicitly encodes human values into AI systems, while Agentic Autonomous AI may develop its own set of values through learning. The alignment (or potential misalignment) of these values with human ethics is a crucial area of ongoing research and debate.

Technology will continue to change the world. A thoughtful approach is needed to prioritize use cases that offer broader positive impacts over those that primarily lead to monetization. This way of thinking can help align AI adoption with human values and ensure a more substantial positive impact on humanity.

Keep Going!!!

October 05, 2024

Prompt Caching Analysis

Prompt Caching Analysis

Caching is enabled automatically for prompts that are 1024 tokens or longer. 

Prompt Caching is enabled for the following models:

  • gpt-4o (excludes gpt-4o-2024-05-13 and chatgpt-4o-latest)
  • gpt-4o-mini
  • o1-preview
  • o1-mini

Usage Guidelines

1. Place static or frequently reused content at the beginning of prompts: This helps ensure better cache efficiency by keeping dynamic data towards the end of the prompt.

2. Maintain consistent usage patterns: Prompts that aren't used regularly are automatically removed from the cache. To prevent cache evictions, maintain consistent usage of prompts.

3. Monitor key metrics: Regularly track cache hit rates, latency, and the proportion of cached tokens. Use these insights to fine-tune your caching strategy and maximize performance.

Ref - Link1, Link2

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October 02, 2024

The Harsh Realities of GenAI Startups: AI Advisor Perspective

  • 🔓 Open Source Paradox: There's a push to leverage open-source models and frameworks, yet expectations for state-of-the-art accuracy remain unrealistically high.
  • 🧩 Holistic Product Development: Successful GenAI products require a synergy of innovative ideas, domain expertise, and high-quality training data - not just algorithms.
  • 💰 Resource Constraints: Computational costs are a significant factor in GenAI development, often underestimated by founders.
  • 🎈 Hype vs. Reality Gap: Many founders lack a deep understanding of the technical challenges and limitations in GenAI implementation.
  • 🖥️ Infrastructure Costs: Even minimal GPU requirements for model training and inference can be daunting for bootstrapped startups.
  • ⚖️ Resource Optimization Fallacy: Attempts to minimize costs across all aspects of development often lead to suboptimal results in model performance and product quality.
  • 🏎️ Performance-Aesthetics Mismatch: Many startups focus on creating visually appealing UIs but struggle with the underlying AI engine's capabilities, resulting in a "sports car body with a scooter engine" scenario.
  • 🚀 Democratization vs. Expertise: While AI tools are becoming more accessible, creating truly groundbreaking GenAI applications still requires deep technical expertise and innovation.
  • 🌊 Depth vs. Breadth Trade-off: Founders who aren't willing to invest time and resources in deep technical development risk creating superficial, easily replicable products with limited longevity in the market.
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September 26, 2024

🚀 Celebrating a Year of GenAI Use Case Success in Retail! 🎉

It's been over a year since my Retail adoption #GenAI use case went live for a leading U.S. specialty retailer on August 17, 2023. 

The results? Double-digit improvement in user page conversions! 📈

🔍 Key Insights:

Innovation Over Integration: Initially, I didn't showcase #GenAI use cases to the #CTO. Instead, I presented a #ReimaginedWorkflow for:

  • Customers
  • Support analysts
  • Procurement teams
  • Digital Asset Management

Rethinking AI/ML Implementation: It's not about wrapping AI around existing processes. True impact comes from:

  • New engagement models
  • Innovative interactions
  • Blending creative solutions

Success Factors in Production:

  • Data Quality 🏆
  • Innovative use of GenAI
  • Tailored solutions (not patchwork fixes)
  • Rigorous testing in production environments

Beyond Demos: Real adoption comes from solving genuine user needs, not just showcasing capabilities.

  • 💡 Lesson Learned: To make #AI truly impactful, we must explore new ways of engagement, foster creativity, and innovate by combining diverse ideas.
  • 👥 Collaboration Opportunity: Are you working on similar AI strategies or use cases? Let's connect and collaborate! Share your experiences in the comments.

#AIStrategy #RetailInnovation #DataDrivenDecisions #DigitalTransformation #AIAdoption #TechLeadership #InnovationInRetail #AISuccessStory

Who else is seeing success with GenAI in their industry? Let's discuss! 👇

September 23, 2024

"🚨 4 Overlooked Pillars of AI Ethics: Profits vs. Principles 🚨

In the rush for AI dominance, we're neglecting crucial ethical foundations. Here are 4 pillars often sacrificed at the altar of profit:

These policies will shape the future of AI. We can't wait - the time to act is NOW.

🧠 Data Sovereignty Rights

  • Overlooked because: User control cuts into valuable data assets
  • Reality check: Our digital lives aren't corporate property

🏥💰 Regulatory Oversight in Critical Sectors

  • Overlooked because: Slows time-to-market in lucrative industries
  • Reality check: Unchecked AI in healthcare/finance risks lives & livelihoods

📚 Transparent AI Lineage

  • Overlooked because: Transparency can expose flaws & biases
  • Reality check: Black-box AI erodes trust & accountability

🎨 Recognition of Human Creativity

  • Overlooked because: Crediting sources complicates IP claims
  • Reality check: AI thrives on human ingenuity – let's honor that

These aren't just ethical niceties – they're essential for sustainable, trustworthy AI. Short-term profits shouldn't overshadow long-term societal impact.

We need AI that serves humanity, not just shareholders. It's time to realign our priorities. Which pillar do you think is most crucial? Why is it being overlooked?

#AIEthics #ResponsibleAI #TechForGood #AIAccountability #DigitalRights

Tag a tech leader who needs this wake-up call 👇

Keep Advocating ResponsibleAI!!!

TechForGood vs TechForProfits !!!

September 17, 2024

Understanding Index RAG: Data Storage vs. Retrieval

In the realm of information retrieval and artificial intelligence, Index RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) has emerged as a powerful technique. To fully grasp its potential and limitations, it's crucial to understand the distinction between data storage and retrieval, particularly in the context of indexing strategies. This post will explore two different indexing approaches and their implications for handling queries, especially multipart questions.

The Indexes

Index 1: Broad and Diverse

Composition: 20 pages from history + 20 pages from geography + 20 pages from maths


  • Versatility: Covers multiple subjects, enabling efficient responses to multipart questions
  • Diversity: Offers a well-rounded breadth of content across different fields

Index 2: Deep and Focused

Composition: 200 pages focused solely on history


  • In-Depth Knowledge: Provides comprehensive depth on history, ideal for complex historical inquiries
  • Rich Content: More pages dedicated to one subject increases potential for detailed responses


Breadth vs. Depth

  • Index 1: Offers breadth across subjects but may lack depth for in-depth analysis
  • Index 2: Delivers depth in history but falls short on breadth for interdisciplinary queries

Complexity of Queries

  • Index 1: Can handle complex, multipart questions effectively due to subject variety
  • Index 2: May struggle with multipart questions spanning multiple disciplines

Information Quality

  • Index 1: Information may be less densely packed with specialized detail
  • Index 2: Provides rich historical data but lacks subject diversity

Challenges with Multipart Questions

Consider a multipart question involving history and mathematics:

Using Index 1:

  • Pros: Can provide relevant information across both subjects
  • Cons: Detail may not be as profound, potentially leading to surface-level insights

Using Index 2:

  • Pros: Historical aspect might be well-covered
  • Cons: Absence of mathematical content results in an incomplete answer

Implications for RAG Systems

Query Processing:

  • RAG systems using Index 1 may need sophisticated algorithms to balance information from different domains
  • Systems using Index 2 might require additional steps to supplement missing interdisciplinary information

Content Generation:

  • Index 1 allows for more flexible content generation across topics
  • Index 2 enables deep, nuanced responses within its specialized domain

System Architecture:

  • Index 1 might benefit from a modular architecture that can efficiently combine information from different subjects
  • Index 2 could leverage specialized language models fine-tuned for historical content


The choice between a broad, versatile index (Index 1) and a deep, focused index (Index 2) significantly impacts the retrieval effectiveness of an information system. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for users and developers alike to create effective RAG systems.

When designing or using RAG systems, consider:

  • The nature of expected queries (single-domain vs. interdisciplinary)
  • The required depth of information
  • The system's ability to synthesize information from multiple sources

By carefully weighing these factors, one can optimize the balance between data storage and retrieval capabilities in Index RAG systems, ultimately enhancing the quality and relevance of generated responses.

GenAI Two Use Cases - Two Lessons

Creative and Learning Use Case

Wrong Guardrails Applied, Content for opinions

What other options

  • Provide Factual data
  • Do not provide recommendations for entities
  • Reason for bias
  • Do not rely on Guardrails

Keep Going!!!

September 15, 2024

Multimodal data platform

ETL and data pipelines are redefined in #GenAI Applications. Your #ETL now will support 

  • #images, #docs, #numbers, #pdfs. Extracting and storing insights/vectors / structured databases 
  • Everything together creates the new #GenAI #Multimodal data platform. 
  • #Multimodal #insights from all forms of data
  • #Proplens is working to align this perspective for our customers for richer insights and perspectives. #productlessons #genai #data
Keep Loading and Learning!!!

September 02, 2024

Navigating the Tradeoff Between Income and Responsibilities in Freelance AI Consulting and Corporate Jobs

  • My friend - Hey Siva, you seem busy. 
  • Myself - Yes, I have some classes and consulting. 
  • My friend - So, you're earning more money? 
  • Myself - Not necessarily. Some leads work out, some don't. Sometimes, even after presenting the architecture, there is no convergence. 
  • My friend - That's common. 
  • Myself - The same uncertainties exist in a corporate job, where ideas may not align. However, you get to work closely with founders. 
  • My friend - That's true. 
  • Myself - Even if your idea fails in consulting, you have a direct connection to lead, discover, and strategize. 
  • Myself - In Freelance AI consulting, the outcome is clear - it either works or it fails, and I deal with it directly. No regrets :)

Freedom entails risks, but it's worth it. You pave your own path.

Sure, feel free to ping me if you are interested in harnessing the power of AI.

Keep Exploring!!!

August 31, 2024

Intelligence with GenAI

When learners can see 'Intelligence with GenAI'. It is very heartening to see solutions built during the session :)

Some feedback after the 12-hour GenAI session:

  • We have a lot of data; we can use LLM to add intelligence. A lot of IoT sensor data is present, but only fixed reports are available.
  • I have only used #ChatGPT; now I see a ton of tools to explore.
  • Infra intelligence - LLM is used to understand the complete ecosystem of servers, leverage logs + intelligence to find server owners, and alert on reallocation / upgrades.
  • Automate Data Analyst work to analyze keywords, user query patterns. This saves 65% of my efforts.
Keep Exploring!!!