"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

March 08, 2010

Biztalk Recipe No 4

Today we would look at publishing message to MessageBox and subscribing and transforming it.
  1. Receive and Post Message M1 in MessageBox
  2. Subscribe and Transform the message M1 into M2
  3. Send the message M2 to another location
Step 1 - Create an Empty Biztalk Project
Step 2 - Create a New Message M1 Schema (ReceiveSchema)

Insert ChildFieldElement Id and Name

Step 3 - Create a New Message M2 Schema (Transform Schema)

Step 4 Add an Empty Biztalk Orchestration
STEP 5 Add Message1 Based on ReceiveSchema, Add Message2 Based on TransformSchema

Step 6 - Add a ReceiveShape, Set Activate-True, Message -> Message1

Step 7 - Specify Direct Binding for Port. Post Message in MessageBox

Step 8 - Add a Transform Shape, Under Properties of TransformShape ->Input Messages, SpecifySource Message_1 and Destination Message_2 and Click on OK

Step 9 - Biztalk Mapper would be launched. Map Id to Id & Name to Comments

Step 10 - Now go back to orchestration and add send shape and Assign Message_2 for Send Shape and bind port
Step 11 - Orchestration
Step 12 - Under Project->Biztalk Server Project -> Specify Application Name under Deployment Tab, Under Signing Tab sign the assembly
Step 13 Build and Deploy the application
Step 14 Start->Run-> btsmmc.msc
Step 15 - Goto Application. Create a Receive Location and a Send Port. Bind the orchestration and start it

Post a Message in Receive Location, It would be transformed and the message would be available in the SendPort Location Configured. Hope this article helps. Day by day would target to learn little by little.....Happy Learning!!!!

More Reads
BizTalk: Instance Subscription and Convoys: Details
BizTalk and SQL: Alternatives to the SQL receive adapter. Using Msmq to receive SQL data
BizTalk: Suspend shape and Convoy
BizTalk: Sample: Context routing and Throttling with orchestration

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