"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

October 03, 2019

Day #279- Multi-Object Tracking

Project #1 - vehicle-speed-check

Clone Repository - Link

On Anaconda prompt,
cd vehicle-speed-check
pip install -r requirements.txt
python speed_check.py

Comments - Very good project to get started. The logic of speed computation with respect to frames per second, pixel movement can be reused in other use cases. Use of dlib correlation tracker. The tracking logic can be reused in other similar implementation

Project #2 - Simple Example code (ROI Based)

Project #3 - Another interesting project from Adrian blog 

Cloned the project and executed the demo. This code does not work in windows 10 though. Someone has fixed the code. The working code is in link 

python multi_object_tracking_fast.py --prototxt E:\Code_Repo\multiobject-tracking-dlib\mobilenet_ssd\MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt  --model E:\Code_Repo\multiobject-tracking-dlib\mobilenet_ssd\MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel --video E:\Code_Repo\multiobject-tracking-dlib\race.mp4 --output E:\Code_Repo\multiobject-tracking-dlib\race_output_fast.avi

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