"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

October 17, 2019

Day #285 - Experimenting with Unet Segmentation


  • Symmetric U-Shape - Convolutions + Poolings
  • Up-Convolutions - Upsampled layers
  • Encoder / Decoder
  • Contraction / Expansion
  • Skip Connections to learn pixel information

There are a ton of tutorials out there but it takes time to find to what works for us :) in our environment. I was experimenting on u-net based segmentation past few days. I will share my learnings on what worked for me.

Step 1 - The initial image is

I am interested in segmenting the parts (products)

Step 2 - The first step is to resize the image into 256 x 256 dimension

Step 3 - The Next Step is to binarize the image

This is the source image. The target image is

Step 4 - Tool - I used paint 3D and white brush in it to segment the required parts for my need

Step 5 - Follow the steps and create the train and label (source and segmented image)

Step 6 - Train the model, Got the repo and customized it link

Step 7 - The predictions for the test image are

Next Demo

 Happy Learning!!!

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