"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

December 17, 2021

What do I do in my work?

Do I code full day? No

When do I code? When I pick up on building ideas, building a prototype, analyzing issues/data related observations

What do I do in my work? Clearing red flags, Discuss, Review, Recommend based on literature reads, ML ideas, techniques relevant to the context

What are my strengths? Data, Domain, and then ML. Seeing everything with a blended lens matters where we need to map both customers vs solutions vs timelines

What things do I read? Yes, you need a lot of ideas to give quality review comments, competitive products, algorithms at work, arxiv papers, domain-related reads, tech blogs. You need to build an idea repository

Sometimes I feel I am busy but not productive. Sometimes, Weekends provide the window to learn things. Product perspective, tech perspective, customer perspective come with empathy, understanding, and technical acumen. 

Keep going!!!

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