"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

July 21, 2011

BI Learning - Developing First Cube

I'm trying things in a random fashion. Trying to play with AdventureWorks BI DB to create my first CUBE

Let's get Started.

Step 1. Create New Analysis Services Project

Step 2. Under Data Source, Create connection to AdventureWorks DW DB

Step 3 - Create new datasource view from AdventureWorks DW Database

Step 4. Removed Account table as it had no relation with our Fact table

Step 5 - Next step is create cube from existing table. Follow the rest of the steps and complete the process

Step 6 - Now Change Impersonation settings from DataSource. I received an error while trying to deploy, Changing the same to fix the error

Step 7 - Now Deploy the cube

Step 8 - After Deploying the CUBE goto cube browser, You would see below error. Fix this error by setting CUBE->Language-> English (US)

Step 9 - Now Drag and Drop few measures and dimensions

Step 10 - Now, We will look at using SSRS to report data from this cube. This will be in next post.

Step 11 - Create a new SSRS project

Step 12 - Add the SSAS data source to the Reports Project

Step 13 - Create a New Report based on this SSAS Data Source

Step 14 - Drag and Drop Measures and Dimensions as we selected in Step 9. Please note the parameter checkbox is checked to use this Dimension as input parameter for the report

Step 15 - Sample SSRS Report from the CUBE

More Reads
Below posts were helpful and good learning's to complete this exercise

Happy Reading!!

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