"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

August 04, 2021

Kubernetes for 90's Kids

  • Essentially it's a way to run containerized workloads
  • Production-grade container orchestrator

So What is a Container?

  • A container image is a ready-to-run software package, containing everything needed to run an application
  • By design, a container is immutable: you cannot change the code of a container that is already running

How do all these things work?

Key Components of Kubernetes cluster

  • API Server - interaction point for all Kubernetes components 
  • Kubelet - The on-host agent that communicates with the API server 
  • Controller Manager - A set of controllers
  • Scheduler - Determines where workloads should 
  • Kube Proxy - Implements Kubernetes services providing virtual IPs 

So essentially environment to run a packaged application with all binaries and required packages. It handles deployment, monitoring, scaling in the cluster.

Keep Learning!!!

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