"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

January 09, 2022

Anamoly Detection

Paper #1 - A review on outlier/anomaly detection in time series data

Key Notes

  • An observation which deviates so much from other observations as to arouse suspicions that it was generated by a different mechanism

  • (Univariate time series) A univariate time series X = {xt }t ∈T is an ordered set of real-valued observations, where each observation is recorded at a specific time
  • (Multivariate time series) A multivariate time series X = {xt }t ∈T is defined as an ordered set of kdimensional vectors, each of which is recorded at a specific time

Outliers Type

  • Point outliers. A point outlier is a datum that behaves unusually in a specific time instant 
  • Subsequence outliers. This term refers to consecutive points in time whose joint behavior is unusual, although each observation individually is not necessarily a point outlier

  • multivariate time series is composed of more than one time-dependent variable a univariate analysis can be performed for each variable to detect univariate point outliers

Paper #2 - A Survey on GANs for Anomaly Detection


  • GANs are a framework for the estimation of generative models via an adversarial process in which two models, a discriminator D and a generator G, are trained simultaneously
  • The generator G aim is to capture the data distribution, while the discriminator D estimates the probability that a sample came from the training data rather than G

Paper #3 - Anomaly Detection of Time Series with Smoothness-Inducing Sequential Variational Auto-Encoder


  • time series anomaly detection can be in general divided into two settings: 
  • i) subsequence or whole sequence level anomaly whereby a subsequence xm,t1:t2 is labeled as an anomaly; 
  • ii) point level anomaly for which a measurement xm,t at time t in sequence m is treated as an anomaly. 

Note - Overview of GAN Structure


  • The generator learns to generate plausible data. The generated instances become negative training examples for the discriminator.
  • The discriminator learns to distinguish the generator's fake data from real data. The discriminator penalizes the generator for producing implausible results.

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