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January 15, 2022

Food Research Papers - Food Science = Data + Data Science = Spend more $$ - Optimize Supply chain

Paper #1 - AI-enabled Efficient and Safe Food Supply Chain

Key Notes

  • Predicting plant growth and tomato yield in greenhouses
  • Optimizing energy consumption across large networks of food retail refrigeration systems
  • Optical recognition and verification of food consumption expiry date in automatic inspection of retail packaged food
  • Long Short-Term Memories (LSTM) are a variation of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architecture
  • Networks composed of LSTM units have been able to solve the gradient vanishing problem met in long-term time series analysis
  • To achieve this, the LSTM structure contains three modules: the forget gate, the input gate and the output gate
  • LSTM-based encoder-decoder models
  • Attention mechanisms help to focus on feature segments of high significance
  • Output Predictions can be derived using the conditional probability distribution of the input signal and of the previous samples of the output.

Yield Prediction

  • Tomato crop growing in greenhouse environments is a dynamic and complex system
  • A linear relationship between flowering rate and fruit growth
  • Weekly yield fluctuations in terms of fruit size and harvest rate. 
  • The environmental data were collected on an hourly basis, while the yield on a weekly basis. 

Food Retailing Refrigeration Systems

  • Nemesyst system [60] has been capable of predicting which refrigerators to select and how long to turn them off, whilst maintaining food quality and safety
  • In the experimental study the target was to predict the time (in seconds) until the refrigerator temperature rises from the point it is switched off until it breaches a food safety threshold

Quality Control in Retail Food Packaging

  • Incorrectly labelled product information on food packages, such as the expiry date, can cause food safety incidents, like food poisoning.
  • The Food Packaging Image dataset used next consists of more than 30,000 images classified in two categories (existing valid date and non-existing or non-valid date)

Paper #2 - Food Supply Chain and Business Model Innovation

  • Food supply chain (FSC) consists of a chain of activities elaborating how a product is produced and delivered to the final consumers
  • Farmers, processors, distributors, and retailers

Four main aspects of a business: 

  • value proposition, which refers to the products and services the business is providing
  • value delivering, which implies the  mechanisms the business is connected with its final customers to deliver the products and services to them
  • value creation, points out the main activities which are necessary to create and deliver the values to the customer
  • value capturing, which indicates the ways a business makes money through the value creation and delivering processes

Five strategies to innovate their business model: 

  • 1) innovating the value proposition, 
  • 2) reconsidering the value delivering mechanisms, 
  • 3) innovating the value creation processes, 
  • 4) providing new value capturing models, and 
  • 5) proposing a quite new business model.

Value Delivering - One of the most important issues in the FSC is food distribution, where cold chain management plays a vital role. Having a frozen storage with the risk of high-energy consumption and cool storage with the threat of bacterial decay is a dilemma the distributors in the food industry deal with

  • Flight kitchen business model is quite similar to CVS convenience store (CVS) indirect delivery business
  • Model where the only difference is the lower supply volume and fewer supply spots

Paper #3 - Demand forecasting in supply chain: The impact of demand volatility in the presence of promotion

  • We decompose demand into baseline and promotional demand and propose a hybrid model to forecast demand.
  • CoV to measure the volatility of demand and propose appropriate forecasting models
  • Pearson’s correlation between demand uplift only due to promotions and price
  • Coefficient of variations (CoV) where promotion causes volatility over the entire demand series
  • CoV by definition is the sample standard deviation divided by the sample mean
  • Low volatility demand where CoV is smaller than 0.5
  • Moderate volatility where CoV is greater than 0.5 and smaller than one
  • High volatility where CoV is greater than one.

Paper #4 - Mathematical modeling on tomato plants: A review 

  • Crop variables
  • Climatic conditions (air
  • Temperature, CO2 concentration, humidity and
  • Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR))

Paper #5 - Using Deep Learning to Predict Plant Growth and Yield in Greenhouse Environments

  • The environmental data were collected on an hourly basis, while the yield on a weekly basis. To deal with these data characteristics, we performed data augmentation, through interpolation of weekly data, resulting in daily data measurements
  • Plant density was approximately 15 pots per 𝑚2, where every pot contained 3 cuttings

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