"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

January 05, 2022

Transformers - Lesson 2

One-liners - Summary from link

  • Lesson #1 - Sentences numerically represented a 1 and 0 on occurence of work, This is one hot encoding
  • Lesson #2 - Sequences, when we setup, every next word would be possible combinations/ words divided by count, is the probability, First-word sequence
  • Lesson #3 - If we know multiple words in sequence it would be easier / more confident to nail down on possible words
  • Lesson #4 - When you consider word by word its is next word, When you keep sequences it becomes easier, Instead of one word consider it like triplets, bi-gram, tri-gram remember sequences in multiple combinations
  • Lesson #5 - Create sequences skipping words
  • Lesson #6 - Embeddings to leverage similar words
  • Lesson #7 - Positional encoding to consider positions/location in the embedding space

I still need few more iterations but this this is first cut understanding.

Keep Exploring!!!

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