"No one is harder on a talented person than the person themselves" - Linda Wilkinson ; "Trust your guts and don't follow the herd" ; "Validate direction not destination" ;

February 02, 2023

Computer Vision - Startup Analysis - GAN

Computer Vision - Startup Analysis

Image Recognition - facial recognition, digital image search, image categorization, optical character recognition (OCR), defect detection, media, and security surveillance


  • Clarifai has developed a platform for building AI-powered software solutions via API, mobile SDK Different industries,including retail, manufacturing, media, and transportation, among others
  • Low-to-no-code user interface


  • Scribe Label - a platform for data labeling
  • Spacetime Search - an AI-based visual search engine that looks for similarities
  • Enlight Train - a custom model training suite packed with pre-trained AI models
  • Flare - an edge AI platform that offers advanced predictive capabilities and accelerates intelligent video applications from streaming, decoding, batching

Medical Imaging

Medical imaging include x-rays, ultrasound imaging, mammography, computed tomography (CT) scans, MRI, and nuclear medicine, among others.

  • Potential applications of medical imaging include confirming, assessing, treating, and following the progress of diseases and certain medical conditions
  • Deep learning to assist radiologists in making data-driven decisions in breast cancer screening, treatment, and diagnosis
  • AI-based breast cancer detection and treatment solutions that evaluate mammograms, leading to improved clinical results, lower healthcare costs, and better-served patients


  • cmTriage® is a workflow management and organization tool that sorts a radiologist’s mammogram workflow
  • cmAngio® targets the detection of heart disease, leveraging AI to help doctors assess a patient’s age-adjusted risk of heart disease
  • cmDensity™ cmDensity™ is a radiology tool that assists in classifying breast density

Video Analytics

CVEDIA develops and deploys AIbased video analytics for both the commercial and defense sectors.

  • Deploy AI solutions for object recognition, enhanced safety, optimized efficiency, and exploring new product opportunities. 
  • CVEDIA-RT The company’s software offering comprises an AI-powered modular,cross-platform inference engine,providing both high and low-level interfaces.

Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture is a management strategy incorporating high-tech tools such as sensors, GPS, robots, mapping tools, and data analytics for maximized economic return and minimized environmental impact

Analyze the data collected by hardware-agnostic sensors

Data-driven approach to crop management, empowering clients with all-encompassing analytics of their food production processes

  • Yield prediction: Prospera combines machine learning and computer vision algorithms to analyze leaf-level images that help track the growth cycle and detect areas of replanting
  • Field irrigation issues detection: The company uses multispectral imaging to analyze images from satellites, drones, and planes to identify areas of overwatering, underwatering, or machinery malfunctions
  • Pests and disease detection: Prospera’s technology analyzes thousands of data sets from cameras installed on drones or other machinery to detect the presence and extent of certain pests or diseases.
  • Crop nutritional deficiency prevention: Using Prospera’s technology, growers can get an undisrupted in-field overview and in-depth insight into problems that cannot be identified with the naked eye but are critical to crops’ nutritional value

Smart Data Capture

Smart data capture (often referred to as automated or intelligent data capture) is the process of extracting and accessing real-time data from barcodes, text, IDs, and objects by leveraging AI-based software

Scandit is a software company that develops smart device scanning solutions powered by computer vision

  • The software can process up to 480 scans per minute
  • It is suitable for enterprise-grade applications, featuring market leading scan accuracy and scalability to support large implementations.
  • ShelfView is a cloud-based retail shelf management solution delivering data capture and analytics capabilities for greater shelf visibility and intelligent and efficient store management operations

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Keep Exploring!!!

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